One new lab member, two new papers

One new lab member, two new papers

MACS Lab welcomes a new member in Spring 2015! Tianyu Jiang joins the lab as a PhD student. He obtained his B.S. degree at the Department of Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation of University of Science and Technology of China. His research interest is in dynamic systems and controls, both in theory and practice. Welcome!

In addition, we have two new papers accepted to 2015 American Control Conference:

W. Zhang, X. Chen, J. Bae, and M. Tomizuka, “Real-time Kinematic Modeling and Prediction of Human Joint Motion in a Networked Rehabilitation System”
W. Kim, X. Chen, C. Chung, and M. Tomizuka, “Discrete-time Output Feedback Nonlinear Control for Combined Low- and High-Frequency Disturbance Compensation”